Meet the Team – Lisa Llanos

Each month, we are highlighting different staff members to encourage appreciation and awareness. This month join us in thanking Lisa Llanos! If you meet her in the hallway, greet her and say thank you for all she does for Howe. 

Job Title: SPED paraprofessional 

Description of what you do for Dearborn Schools in 3 sentences or less:
I work with SXI kids. We try to teach them independence. Some are very severe so they depend on us to feed and take care of them.

What Elementary School did you attend? (Name, City, State)
School Three. Ecorse, MI.

How long have you been at Howe and how many years of professional work experience do you have?
7 years at Howe and 11 years with professional work experience.

What did you want to be when you grew up?  
Marine Biologist.

Name something you look forward to each day you walk into Howe? 
I love to see our kids excited to be in school and make their day special.

What was your first job?
Taco Bell

Share with us a few of your favorite things… 
Time with my family, working out, great food and chocolate.

What is your favorite genre of books to read?

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? 
Roller skate, dancing, and cooking.

How would your co-workers describe you?
Helpful and fun to work with.

What is your greatest achievement?
My children

What parts of our school Mission/Beliefs/Vision do you connect with?
Everyone treated with respect and equality.

How would you describe our school culture?
Multi culture.

What is your classroom like?
Functional life skills

Do you have a success story, aha moment, or funny school memory you can share?
We celebrate students when they learn new words or learn any more independent behavior.

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